Linux sunucuya en son giriş yapan kullanıcılar, last komutu ve lastlog kulanımı

Linux sunucularda yani Ubuntu, Centos, Debian, Redhat gibi tüm türev ve ana dağıtımlarda son giriş yapan kullanıcılar hakkında bilgi almak için aşağıdaki komutları kullanabilirsiniz.
Giriş yapan kullanıcıların bilgileri /var/log/wtmp dosyasında tutulur.
nano /var/log/wtmp

Bu dosyayı anlamlı görmek için stat, last, lastlog gibi komutları kullanabiliriz.

stat /var/log/wtmp

lastlog komutu; tüm kullanıcıların veya belirli bir kullanıcının en son girişini listeler.

Detaylı kullanım için man komutu ile bilgi alınabilir.
man lastlog

lastlog -b 0 -t 30
Bugün harici son 30 gün giriş yapan kullanıcıların listesi.

last; komutu son giriş yapan kullanıcıların giriş yaptığı ip bilgilerini ve çıkış bilgilerini de gösterir.

last | head -10
head ile birlikte kullanıldığında istenilen kadarını göster diyebiliriz. Örnekte son 10 kayıt listenir.

last root | head -15
last ile kullanıcı adı yazıldığında sadece o kullanıya ait girişler listelenir. Örnekte root kullanıcısına ait son 15 giriş listelenir.

lastlog | more
more komutu tüm kayıtların belirli sayıda listelenip sizden gelecek olan boşluk ( space ) tuşu komutu ile sonraki sırayı gösterir.

last | more
last root | more


Python ile CSV dosyasını okuma ve yazma

Writing data into different types of CSV files

In the previous article, we learned how to read csv files in Python. In similar way, we can also write a new or edit existing csv files in Python.
In Python we use csv.writer() module to write data into csv files. This module is similar to the csv.reader() module.

Writing on Existing File

We have a people.csv file with following data.
SN, Name, City
1, John, Washington
2, Eric, Los Angeles
3, Brad, Texas
Now, we are going to modify people.csv file.

Example 1: Modifying existing rows of people.csv

import csv

row = ['2', ' Marie', ' California']

with open('people.csv', 'r') as readFile:
reader = csv.reader(readFile)
lines = list(reader)
lines[2] = row

with open('people.csv', 'w') as writeFile:
    writer = csv.writer(writeFile)

When we open the people.csv file with text editor, then it will show:
SN, Name, City
1, John, Washington
2, Marie, California
3, Brad, Texas
In the above program, we modified the third row of people.csv and saved the result. At first, we read the people.csv file using csv.reader() function. Then, we used list() function to convert all the csv data in a list and store in lines. After that, we changed third row of csv file with row i.e lines[2] = row. Finally, we write the values of lines list to people.csv file.
Sometimes, we may need to add new rows in the existing csv file. So, we are going to append a new row to people.csv file used in Example 1.

Example 2: Appending new rows to people.csv file

import csv

row = ['4', ' Danny', ' New York']

with open('people1.csv', 'a') as csvFile:
    writer = csv.writer(csvFile)

When we open people.csv file with text editor, then it will show :
SN, Name, City
1, John, Washington
2, Marie, California
3, Brad, Texas
4, Danny, New York
In the above program, we append a new row into people.csv. For this, we opened the csv file in 'a' append mode. Then, we write the value of row after the last line of the people.csv file.

Normal CSV File

We create a normal csv file using writer() method of csv module having default delimiter comma(,).

Example 3: Write a python list into person.csv file

import csv

csvData = [['Person', 'Age'], ['Peter', '22'], ['Jasmine', '21'], ['Sam', '24']]

with open('person.csv', 'w') as csvFile:
    writer = csv.writer(csvFile)

When we open the person.csv file with text editor, then it will show :
In the above program, we use csv.writer() function to write data from a list csvData into a csv file person.csv.
Note: The writerow() method writes one row at a time. If you need to write all the data at once you can use writerows() method.

CSV Files with quotes

We can write the csv file with quotes, by registering new dialects using csv.register_dialect() class of csv module.

Example 4 : Write into person1.csv file

import csv

person = [['SN', 'Person', 'DOB'],
['1', 'John', '18/1/1997'],
['2', 'Marie','19/2/1998'],
['3', 'Simon','20/3/1999'],
['4', 'Erik', '21/4/2000'],
['5', 'Ana', '22/5/2001']]


with open('person1.csv', 'w') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f, dialect='myDialect')
    for row in person:

When we open person1.csv file, we get following output :
In above program, we register a dialect named myDialect. Inside myDialect we use quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL to write the double quote on all the values.

CSV files with Custom Delimiters

A delimiter is a string used to separate fields. The default value is comma(,).
We can write csv file having custom delimiter by registering a new dialect with the help of csv.register_dialect().

Example 5 : Writing with custom delimiter as pipe(|)

import csv

person = [['SN', 'Person', 'DOB'],
['1', 'John', '18/1/1997'],
['2', 'Marie','19/2/1998'],
['3', 'Simon','20/3/1999'],
['4', 'Erik', '21/4/2000'],
['5', 'Ana', '22/5/2001']]

delimiter = '|',

with open('dob.csv', 'w') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f, dialect='myDialect')
    for row in person:

When we open dob.csv file, we get following output:
In the above program, we register a dialect with delimiter as pipe(|). Then we write a list into a csv file dob.csv.

CSV File with a Lineterminator

A lineterminator is a string used to terminate lines produced by writer. The default value is \r\n.
We can write csv file with a lineterminator in Python by registering new dialects using csv.register_dialect() class of csv module

Example 6 : Writing csv file using a lineterminator

import csv

csvData = [['Fruit', 'Quantity'], ['Apple', '5'], ['Orange', '7'], ['Mango', '8']]

csv.register_dialect('myDialect', delimiter = '|', lineterminator = '\r\n\r\n')

with open('lineterminator.csv', 'w') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f, dialect='myDialect')

When we open the lineterminator.csv file, we get following output:
In above code, we register a new dialects as myDialect. Then, we use delimiter='|' where a | is considered as column separator. After that, we use lineterminator='\r\n\r\n' where each row separates after every two lines.
Note : Python's CSV module only accepts \r\n\n or \r as lineterminator.

CSV File with quotechars

We can write the csv file with custom quote characters, by registering new dialects using csv.register_dialect() class of csv module.

Example 7: Writing CSV FIle with quotechars

import csv

csvData = [['SN', 'Items'], ['1', 'Pen'], ['2', 'Book'], ['3', 'Copy']]

delimiter = '|',
quotechar = '"',

with open('quotechars.csv', 'w') as csvFile:
    writer = csv.writer(csvFile, dialect='myDialect')

print("writing completed")

In the above program, we register a dialect called myDialect. Then we use delimiter as pipe(|) and quotechar as doublequote '"'.

Writing CSV file into a Dictionary

Using DictWriter() class of csv module, we can write a csv file into a dictionary. It works similar to the writer() function but creates an object which maps data into a dictionary. The keys are given by the fieldnames parameter.

Example 8: Writing dictionary into peak.csv file

import csv

data = [{'mountain' : 'Everest', 'height': '8848'},
      {'mountain' : 'K2 ', 'height': '8611'},
      {'mountain' : 'Kanchenjunga', 'height': '8586'}]

with open('peak.csv', 'w') as csvFile:
    fields = ['mountain', 'height']
    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvFile, fieldnames=fields)

print("writing completed")

When we open peak.csv file, it will contain following output :
In the above program, we use fieldnames as headings of each column in csv file. Then, we use a DictWriter() to write dictionary data into peak.csv file.

Example 9: Writing dictionary into grade.csv file with custom dialects

import csv

csv.register_dialect('myDialect', delimiter = '|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)

with open('grade.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
    fieldnames = ['Name', 'Grade']
    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, dialect="myDialect")
    writer.writerows([{'Grade': 'B', 'Name': 'Alex'},
                 {'Grade': 'A', 'Name': 'Bin'},
                 {'Grade': 'C', 'Name': 'Tom'}])

print("writing completed")
When we open grade.csv file, it will contain following output:
In the above program, we create a custom dialect called myDialect with pipe(|) as delimiter. Then, use fieldnames as headings of each column in csv file. Finally, we use a DictWriter()to write dictionary data into grade.csv file.

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